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 The Butcher

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The Butcher Empty
PostSubject: The Butcher   The Butcher EmptyMon Jun 29, 2009 12:05 pm

By: Chris McGarrett aka Crazee

Copyright ©️ 2006 Chris McGarrett All rights reserved. ®️

One night, whilst I sat before my computer screen smacking my nuts with a jackhammer, a woman walked through my backdoor. She was tall, blonde, and smelled like cherries. She walked up to me and blinked her deep blue eyes, "I'm Jessica and I'm here to fulfill all your dreams.", she said. I looked her up and down ponderously before responding, "My dreams would not be something you'd want to fulfill.", I stated calmly hoping she understood my seriousness. "Oh I think I can handle it baby.", she said sounding so innocent I almost felt bad for her...almost. I stood up to my full height, which made her seem much shorter with her eyes only coming up to just below my chin. I grabbed her around the waist and dragged her to me chest to chest. She smiled up at me with those sky blue pools she called eyes filled with such sweet innocence that I actually took a moment to consider not going through with my plan...but that only lasted a moment.

As she smiled at me I spoke to her in a low tone, "You're messing around where you shouldn't be...I'd hate to hurt you proving that you don't want to be brought into anything in my mind let alone my dreams.", I said quietly as I slipped the blade out of my pocket with my left hand still holding her close with my right arm. "As I said I'm pretty sure I can handle...", she began, but suddenly fell silent as her eyes opened wide with a look of terror and pain as they filled up with blood that ran from them like so many tears. She never heard it coming, but she sure felt it when the knife penetrated her spine instantly paralyzing her and making her go limp in my arm. I allowed her to drop to the floor and she landed on her face with a pool of blood slowly forming under her.

I could see it there. The handle of the butterfly knife that had pierced her so quietly, but the sound of the squish of it's entrance into her was like sweet music to my ears. I stared at her lying there helplessly bleeding to death and knew what kind of tormenting pain she was suffering, but was unable to express. I smirked to myself as I thought "I did try to warn her...more then I do for most." and then I walked into the kitchen to grab my cutlery. I came back to her holding a chef's knife, a meat cleaver, a cutting board, and a turkey baster with a measuring cup for sucking up the blood for a nice drink later. I went to work. I laid out the cutting board and grabbed her arm placing it on the board before me. I picked up the cleaver and brought it down at the elbow joint slicing through flesh, muscle, tendons, and into the bone. I didn't quite make it through on the first try so up went the cleaver and down yet again. This time I heard the bones crack and shatter as I tore through them severing the arm completly. It lay on the board flopping slightly in place as the fingers twitched.

I laughed, "Nerves..gotta love'em.", I chuckled to myself. Once the arm was severed and stopped twitching I grabbed up the chef's knife and delicately sliced off each of her fingers for deep frying later. Deep fried bitch fingers were good for a little snack. Once the fingers were gone I took the cleaver back up and began chopping the arm into several sections. Once it was sectioned off nicely I took each section one at a time to the sink and allowed the blood remaining in them to drip into a pitcher on the counter before throughly washing them off under hot water and placing them in seperate freezer bags and laying them neatly stacked in the freezer. I did this to each limb with the slow methodical precision of a brain surgeon. The whole process took about an hour and a half. Once it was done I felt a little tired. Being a butcher was a tough job afterall.

I went ahead and quickly sucked up all the blood with the turkey baster and squirted each basterfull into the measuring cup. Once it was all up I walked over and emptied it into the pitcher. I then placed the pitcher in the fridge. I'd warm it up later in the microwave for a tasty warm beverage, but for now I pulled a beer out of the fridge and walked over to the couch and chilled watching two back to back episodes of Law & Order. By the time the second one was over I was bored again and my beer was gone. I stood up and walked back to Jessica, "Such a sweet name...and she was so innocent too...oh well I'll fix that.", I commented to nobody in particular. I knelt down slowly and swated away the flies that had begun to congregate on her, "We can't have any of that now...", I said as I finally got the last of the flies away. I went to roll her onto her back, but she got stuck on something. I lifted her back on her side. It was my knife...it had been pushed a little deeper into her from my attempts, "Whoops...forgot about that.", I thought as I ripped the knife out with a slick, squishy thwop sound. "Good thing I found it...I mighta accidently broke the blade off in her if I kept it up...wouldn't want to ruin my knife.", I recounted to myself without speaking.

I folded the knife back up and slid it into my back pocket then went back to turning her onto her back. Once she was turned over I slowly began stripping away her clothing revealing a pair of very firm and perfect breasts along with what appeared to be an untouched pussy. This should be interesting I thought. She was nothing but a torso and head by then but she was so beautiful. I began sucking on one of her juicy nipples finding it to still be warm, I then got another whiff of that sweet cherry smell. I wondered to myself if that was perfume or something else. I began sniffing her up and down following the scent. It appeared to be eminating from her soft and oh so tight looking pussy. I gave it a few licks. Mmmm it even tasted like cherries. Must have been some form of cherry flavored edible spray or cream of some kind. I gave it a few more licks and realized I had a hardon and was suddenly horny as hell. I rubbed my cock through my shorts for a moment before unzipping them and relieving the pressure by letting it out.

I slid my hands up and down her stomach and tits massaging her body slowly. I then began to gently slide my cock into her tight slit. I felt a warm resistance to the head of my love instrument and realized she was a virgin. "Now this really will be interesting.", I grinned to myself. I pushed harder and felt her cherry give way to my cock as I slipped all the way in and blood began dripping out of her hole covering my cock and the floor in sticky redness. That was all it took. After that first light thrust in I went wild and began fÜcking her warm dead pussy like a maniac as I sucked and bit her nipples making them bleed as well. I filled her cunt up with cum atleast nine times before I was finally satisfied nine hours later. I finally pulled my cock out of her and then pried her mouth open with a pair of pliers I keep in one of the drawers in the kitchen and forced her dead lips to suck the blood and cum off my cock, then I smeared the little that remained all over her eyelids. Once my lust was satiated I looked her over. Blood still glistened on her pussy lips and there was blood on her breasts and sliding down the sides of her ribs. I picked her up and took her into the bathroom and turned on the bath. I then bathed her throughly in hot water.

Once her body was cleaned completely I dried her off and took her into the garage. I layed her out on a black garbage bag and placed more plastic bags under her neckline and chest. I then walked over and grabbed my hatchet. As I walked back to her I smiled and looked down to her, "I guess you were right..you were able to fulfill my dreams. Thank you, I had fun tonight and we should do it again sometime soon.", I then brought the hatchet down across her throat and watched her head roll across the room. A remaining jet of blood shot out of her neck and splattered all over my clothes and the wall, but luckily the bags kept the rest of her body clean so I didn't have to re-bathe her.

I picked up her torso and two hangers then walked into my room. I stabbed the hangers into her arm sockets and opened my closet door and hung her up in there next to Arica and Becka incase I needed another good fuck with Jessica sometime. I then walked out to the garage and grabbed her head and one of my stakes from the garage corner near the door back into the house and walked to the backyard. I stabbed her head onto the stake and planted the other end into the ground next to Jackie and Lilly. I then walked back inside and grabbed up the phonebook that I had laid out and dialed the number I had circled almost twelve hours earlier and made an appointment with Alexis from the Red Rose Garden Escort Service for the next night. Once the appointment was set I hung up the phone and crossed out yet another Escort Service name from the phonebook and closed it. Satisfied with my night I turned out the lights and went to bed eager for tomorrow to come. "I love my job.", I thought as I closed my eyes and dreamt about what I'd like Alexis to fulfill tomorrow night.
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The Butcher Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Butcher   The Butcher EmptyThu Jul 02, 2009 8:47 am

That was ehm.

Disturbing and creepy.
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Posts : 88
Join date : 2009-06-29
Age : 39
Location : Houston, Texas, USA

The Butcher Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Butcher   The Butcher EmptySat Jul 04, 2009 6:15 am

rofl. glad ya liked it Wink
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The Butcher Empty
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